Mission and Vision

We are Mission

... inspired by the the message, life, and love of Jesus Christ. We are the God’s HANDS, FEET, and EYES that ignite the Spirit to new heights by providing the sacramental, healing, and life- giving power of Jesus Christ and His Church united to worship God through the celebration of the Eucharist. St. Constantine Catholic Ukrainian Church's mission is to create a devoted and welcoming community witnessing the truth of God teaching as taught by the ecclesiastical magisterium faithful to the Holy Father. We share our faith to our community through worship, service, and education.

We are Vision

... built on the legacy for more than 100 years of loyal stewardship, we seek to herald Christ to our generation in all we say and do. As articulated in Matthew 5:42-45 "Give to the one who begs from you and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you. You have heard that it was said: "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy". But I say to you: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For He makes his Sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." We seek to unite ourselves to God through Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary guided by the ecclesiastical Magisterium teaching. We BELIEVE that every HUMAN is called to be a SAINT.